El Objeto del Exilio

El Objeto del Exilio (The Object of the Exile)

An installation by Liza Casullo and Federico Joselevich Puiggrós .

Is there an object that represents something from exile in Mexico for you?

We asked this question to argenmex* from different generations who lived or were born in Mexico between the 70s and 80s because of political persecution in Argentina.
We also made that question to ourselves.

Different answers are inside the boxes.

An exercise that made us think on the distinction between ‘ objects-memory’ things that recall the past and exile as ‘ objects-present ‘ which speak of cultural connections that reach us until today.

Anecdotes , choices, stories that debates around the personal and the collective memory of that experience.

We thank Julieta Ulanovsky  Sara Melul, Mempo Giardinelli, Sessano Pablo, Jorge Bernetti, Ana Amado, Carlos Ulanovsky, Mariana Casullo, Adriana Puiggrós, Sergio Caletti, Bárbara Caletti, Carolina Mera, Julián Teubal, Inés Ulanovsky, Pedro Joselevich, Toto Schmucler, Stephen Bieda, Maya Mercer.

This installation was part of a tribute “Landscapes from the protection and rooting” (“Paisajes del amparo y el arraigo”) that the Gino Germani Insitute (Social Science Faculty, University of Buenos Aires) made to the institutions from Mexico who received the argentine exilies in Mexico in the  ’70s and ’80s.

These are some of the boxes that were exhibited at the National Library of Argentina in November 2013:

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In this box, Mempo Giardinelli putted his cigarettes. When he stop smoking, 20 years ago, he decided to keep cigarettes at home. Inside the box there still are some of them.


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To Pablo Sessano the best thing that he brought from the exile was the ceramic art.


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Box with manifest


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Box with book lended by Carlos Ulanovsky


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“I found this toy that I loved: the the typical tortilla maker for children. I played a lot with it with plasticine. I remember that my friends also loved it and asked me what it was. I explained to them the tortilleril matter, but remained a nameless object, which was not in their kitchens and for cooking something that they couldn’t even imagine …”, Bárbara Caletti


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Frase given by Maya Mercer


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El Objeto del Exilio
Cassette letter from the 70s.
(bellow, the audios in spanish)


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At the age of 8, Mariana Casullo’s teacher scolded and put a note in her communication book: she gave her classmates some chili-candy that some friends had  brought her from Mexico and all ended in tears.


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While Julián Teubal was thinking about which object would he choose, he found that his daughters where listening to the ‘Odisea Burbujas’ disc.


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El Objeto del Exilio


El Objeto del Exilio

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